one step, yet?
Today is a lazy day. The nurse was here and said my leg looks good. I'm ready for a chance to walk again. Life isn't to fun when you are not able to do what you love to do. I would love to walk into the bathroom. Standing up to shower is a thing in the past. I try to occupy myself as well as I can. YouTube is getting a workout. Music, news, and podcasts are my thing right now. Ì love watching the fire and seeing the dogs lay at my feet.
I'm waiting for my son to come home from school. He will be out of school for the next three weeks. I need to come up with some cool ideas for us to do. All ideas are welcome. Leave your ideas in the comments. Come on. I'm ready. Get set Go!
You could start reading your word and tell him story's out of the bible each day and some things like that help him get closer to God that would never be a waste and it would do something for you as well